Left, Right & Center: Nobel Speech, Bank Bonuses, Health Care, Blackwater and the CIA

Obama's muscular moralism? Irreconcilable concepts? A new direction? LRC weighs in on Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech.
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Obama's muscular moralism? Irreconcilable concepts? A new direction? LRC weighs in on Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. Bob comes down on the side of neocon Robert Kagan...Tony says words are lovely but they don't relate to the realities we face. Arianna says we're conjuring existential threats without saying why the war in Afghanistan is dangerous.

In Britain, big bonuses to bankers will receive a 50 percent windfall tax and in the U.S., Goldman Sachs says its top 30 or 40 employees won't be getting bonuses this year. But is it just PR and another accounting trick? On health care, the Senate keeps throwing spaghetti against the wall: will anything stick? And Blackwater and the CIA in bed together - who's surprised?

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